Unearthing Potential: What Progress Has Antipa Minerals Made with the Minyari Dome Drilling?
Antipa Minerals Limited
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Unearthing Potential: What Progress Has Antipa Minerals Made with the Minyari Dome Drilling?

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Can Antipa Minerals uncover major gold-copper discoveries with their ongoing Phase 2 drilling at the Minyari Dome Project?

Antipa Minerals Ltd (ASX: AZY), an exploration company operating in Western Australia, has recently shared an update on its Phase 2 CY2023 exploration drilling program at the Minyari Dome Gold-Copper Project. The program aims to expand the existing gold-copper Mineral Resource and identify new greenfield discoveries in the Paterson Province. With over 5,300 meters of drilling completed and promising targets ahead, Antipa Minerals is making steady progress towards their exploration goals.

Pushing Forward with the Phase 2 CY2023 Exploration Program

Antipa Minerals is on track with its Phase 2 CY2023 Minyari Dome Exploration Program. The program is aimed at achieving substantial growth in both the gold-copper Mineral Resource and the discovery of new potential deposits. The company has completed more than 5,300 meters of reverse circulation (RC) and diamond core drilling to date, marking significant strides in their exploration efforts.

Hitting Key Targets at GEO-01 Prospect and Tetris

Within the Phase 2 program, Antipa Minerals has prioritized the GEO-01 and Tetris targets for drilling.

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At the GEO-01 prospect, the company has drilled two diamond core holes spanning 762 meters and 25 RC holes totaling 4,024 meters. These holes are aimed at extending the near-surface, high-grade gold mineralization already identified at the prospect.

Meanwhile, Antipa Minerals has also initiated the first diamond hole at the Tetris target. This hole, planned to reach 800 meters in depth, is specifically designed to test a bulls-eye-shaped magnetic-gravity high geophysical signature in the area.

Expanding Exploration Efforts with Air Core Drilling

To further broaden their exploration reach, Antipa Minerals has commenced air core drilling across four targets located between 1. 3 and 12 kilometers from the Minyari gold-copper deposit. The company plans to conduct a total of 105 drill holes spanning 5,000 meters in this air core drilling program. These efforts aim to uncover additional prospects and further expand the understanding of the project's potential.

Support from the Western Australian Government's Exploration Incentive Scheme

The exploration drilling programs undertaken by Antipa Minerals receive significant support from the Western Australian Government's Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS) funding grants. This support allows the company to continue its exploration activities and push forward with their ambitious goals.

The Road Ahead: Phase 3 Drilling Programme

In the coming months, Antipa Minerals expects a steady flow of assay results from the ongoing exploration drilling program. These results will provide valuable information for planning the Phase 3 drilling program, set to commence in March 2024. The Phase 3 program will involve 11,000 meters of drilling, divided between RC (6,000 meters) and diamond core (5,000 meters) drilling. The combination of data from the ongoing drilling and the upcoming Phase 3 program will contribute to shaping the future exploration strategy of the Minyari Dome Project.

Antipa Minerals' Managing Director, Roger Mason, expressed satisfaction with the current progress of the Phase 2 CY2023 drilling program. With initial drilling focused on priority targets such as GEO-01 and Tetris, Antipa Minerals has laid a solid foundation for further exploration in the Minyari Dome area. The company anticipates a productive field season ahead, with additional targets within the wider area awaiting testing. The steady flow of assay results expected in the coming months will aid planning for the CY2024 drill program.

In conclusion, Antipa Minerals Ltd's ongoing exploration drilling program at the Minyari Dome Project holds strong potential for major gold-copper discoveries. With significant progress made in Phase 2 CY2023, and promising targets still to be explored, Antipa Minerals is poised to uncover exciting prospects in the Paterson Province. The company's commitment, combined with the support from the EIS funding grants, paves the way for continued success in unlocking the mineral potential of the region.

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