Why you're all wrong about AI being a bubble and can't see it because you're all too hurt from the money you all lost falling for the other fake bubbles - I know a lot of people are going to boo me for this, but the AI hype is real. Sure, there are shysters and garbage companies out there ~~paying lawyers~~ using Chat GPT to draw up the paperwork to go public and fleece the greedy and the ignorant. But the changes AI is bringing to the world are going to be more bigger, more fundamentally daily life changing, and faster than all the changes that happened during the Information Age. The real key to understanding what a watershed moment Chat GPT and other generative AI technology out there to the general public is this: The information age brought about **sharing information** at 0 marginal cost. The AI age is bringing about **generation of knowledge** at 0 marginal cost. Go ahead and tell me, "AI can't do anything, it can only rearrange things." or "Yeah, but it isn't 100% right all the time." First, that's what humans do. Second, when are humans 100% right all the time anyway? Whether or not AI is generating original information doesn't really belong in this sub. But **it is uncontestable that AI can generate new information right now.** Over time, AI will get better and genuinely produce new knowledge. But the producing of new knowledge isn't the earth shattering part. I can go out and make a baby with someone and essentially create a new data processing machine. The revolutionary part, **the truly revolutionary part is that you can build these machine minds to solve problems for you at scale.** Go listen to the $NVDA call and you'll hear NVDA explain that businesses are buying chips to build out these scalable machine brains. Remember all those conference calls where companies were saying "AI" on their calls to get a stock price boost? Was some of it nonsense? Yes. However, **we're about an earnings season or two away from one of those companies who said they were using new AI tech to improve their business to announce that it actually worked.** There is going to be one company, the first company that goes on their earnings call and says "Due to AI we have unexpectedly high profits and are raising full year guidance." **That will be the tipping point, and it is as few as 3 months away.** I'm not going to sit here and pretend to know which company is going to make that announcement. I don't. Nor do I have the time to sift through enough earnings calls to figure it out, though I wish I did. It's going to be a company with obvious uses for AI, and probably more focused on a company who that uses lots of brainpower like an engineering or coding company. Possibly something in the service sector. The moment corporate America figures out how to do significantly more with significantly less labor by using AI, it will. And GDP is going to explode. There have been so many ideas and "revolutions" that were going to change everything. They all promised that change was just around the corner. The AI boom is different. It is the real deal, and we're going to see an economic and stock market bonanza that will likely never be repeated in our lifetimes.
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Why you're all wrong about AI being a bubble and can't see it because you're all too hurt from the money you all lost falling for the other fake bubbles - I know a lot of people are going to boo me for this, but the AI hype is real. Sure, there are shysters and garbage companies out there ~~paying lawyers~~ using Chat GPT to draw up the paperwork to go public and fleece the greedy and the ignorant. But the changes AI is bringing to the world are going to be more bigger, more fundamentally daily life changing, and faster than all the changes that happened during the Information Age.

The real key to understanding what a watershed moment Chat GPT and other generative AI technology out there to the general public is this:

The information age brought about **sharing information** at 0 marginal cost.

The AI age is bringing about **generation of knowledge** at 0 marginal cost.

Go ahead and tell me, "AI can't do anything, it can only rearrange things." or "Yeah, but it isn't 100% right all the time." First, that's what humans do. Second, when are humans 100% right all the time anyway? Whether or not AI is generating original information doesn't really belong in this sub. But **it is uncontestable that AI can generate new information right now.**

Over time, AI will get better and genuinely produce new knowledge. But the producing of new knowledge isn't the earth shattering part. I can go out and make a baby with someone and essentially create a new data processing machine. The revolutionary part, **the truly revolutionary part is that you can build these machine minds to solve problems for you at scale.**

Go listen to the $NVDA call and you'll hear NVDA explain that businesses are buying chips to build out these scalable machine brains. Remember all those conference calls where companies were saying "AI" on their calls to get a stock price boost?

Was some of it nonsense? Yes.

However, **we're about an earnings season or two away from one of those companies who said they were using new AI tech to improve their business to announce that it actually worked.** There is going to be one company, the first company that goes on their earnings call and says "Due to AI we have unexpectedly high profits and are raising full year guidance."

**That will be the tipping point, and it is as few as 3 months away.**

I'm not going to sit here and pretend to know which company is going to make that announcement. I don't. Nor do I have the time to sift through enough earnings calls to figure it out, though I wish I did. It's going to be a company with obvious uses for AI, and probably more focused on a company who that uses lots of brainpower like an engineering or coding company. Possibly something in the service sector.

The moment corporate America figures out how to do significantly more with significantly less labor by using AI, it will. And GDP is going to explode.

There have been so many ideas and "revolutions" that were going to change everything. They all promised that change was just around the corner.

The AI boom is different. It is the real deal, and we're going to see an economic and stock market bonanza that will likely never be repeated in our lifetimes.


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