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Concernedcookie999 1y

Watching the other guy die inside lol

Analog_Ai 1y

They are adding 2 trillion per year to the national debt. In good times. In crisis they are adding 3-4 trillion per year. This can't go on for long. Can it?

Umpire_State_Bldg 1y

"Money printing" is one way to default.

Paragon_Voice 1y

This visualizes what games the whales play quite nicely. Bravo!

Itsthesecans 1y

I was expecting the panic seller to turn around and pay 350 to get her eggs back. That would have made the bitcoin analogy complete.

Deckartcain 1y

I’m the guy buying at 140

Tslutty 1y

# After what’s felt like an eternity of buying $2 worth of BTC every single hour, I’m officially a member of the 21 million club

After what’s felt like an eternity of buying $2 worth of BTC every single hour, I’m officially a member of the 21 million club
Fabs_- 1y

Aaand another bitcoin left the chat ! You better keep that savage locked up in isolation for the coming years !

Aidan2897 1y

That’s great that you have 1 bitcoin… kinda scary you have it all in Muun app LOL. The million dollar question here is: how many UTXO’s are in your wallet. If you don’t know the answer to that question I recommend you look it up

Ok_Championship4983 1y

Congrats…I hope to join someday but it is going to take me a couple years

Magicmaker32 1y

Evergrande filed for bankruptcy

Soulstonedomg 1y

Someone just dumped about 5000 BTC in 5 minutes.

Kektothebone 1y

According to another subreddit, Evergrande declared bankruptcy.

Aufsteh 1y

Their yield is not that high, I'd be wary only if they offered higher yields than treasury notes.

Lucid1459 1y

Most stablecoin yeilds come from t bills

Maketotaldestr0i 1y

Can people stop calling it "Yield" when the number is below the real inflation rate. It's literally losing money but slightly more slowly . "Negative real Yield " is orwellian elite newspeak for LOSSES!