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Mrpuma86 1y

Definitely not good to dive into the deep end and see what happens 😂

Raymv1987 1y

# Lots of kids going to get this talk in a few decades

Lots of kids going to get this talk in a few decades
Emtbro 1y

Dude this is next level not sure how many in this crowd would get it. Take your upvote.

Kcolgeis 1y

He hid it the only place he could.

Reithodlr 1y

# A few months until Holiday season. Trying not to lose more money this time.

A few months until Holiday season. Trying not to lose more money this time.
Olmops 1y

So, will you serve them turkey or ramen?

Gubbie99 1y

Breaking the record deserves some credit too.

Sharp-Imagination563 1y

There wont be any holiday for me if i dont 100k donut

Spacsandspacs 1y

I know that feeling, that's why it's best not to tell the wife you have crypto

Rare1994 1y

It’s not much but it’s honest work. Profit is profit

Lokiee0077 1y

What if you are trading Paper Money like me 🤔

Eat-Sleep-Rave 1y

# PayPal to offer interest reward for crypto deposits

PayPal to offer interest reward for crypto deposits
Friendly-Airline2426 1y

It’s their little secret magic trick 💀

Chaitoshi 1y

Yield comes from the Pals who Pay! Isn’t it PayPal?