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Diarpiiiii 1y

# Is this what mass adoption looks like, or is it down bad?

Is this what mass adoption looks like, or is it down bad?
Asingleguitarstring 1y

Confirmed that Walmart owns BAYC NFTs.

Spacsandspacs 1y

That's what people wanting a piece of an overpriced jpeg looks like. They've heard the image is super cool because it costs the same as a house and figure by wearing a crappy tshirt it'll make others think they're rich and own the pic

Mrpuma86 1y

Bored Ape merchandise 😂

Prycdaddy 1y

# My entire net worth is in the hands of this guy

My entire net worth is in the hands of this guy
Outrageous_Duty_8738 1y

It could be a lot worse many people had their net worth in the hands of SBF

Deltav8 1y

The vanilla version of Steve Urkel.

Mrpuma86 1y

This genius along with Satoshi will have created thousands of millionaires who otherwise would be slaving away to make money. And helped people get better lives. A tribute to both of them 🫡

Lookwhatumademedoo 1y

Financial advisors are salty that they sold too early.

O_Lucifer_O 1y

Crypto Financial advisors be like "Buy this Shitcoin, it will 100x soon. But it's Not a financial advice"

Friendly-Airline2426 1y

They're not the sharpest tools in the shed. :(

Lookwhatumademedoo 1y

That single line can make a bankrupt company into a booming one!

Pythonskynet 1y

Despite backlash by media and governments, Worldcoin can see a huge influx of money and a parabolic pump. After all, its a king of AI crypto projects. PS: I just HODL 197 WLD that I got from airdrop

Kindly-Wolf6919 1y

# In response to Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders claiming that crypto tax evaders are siphoning off billions from the government. - When will the hypocrisy end?

In response to Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders claiming that crypto tax evaders are siphoning off billions from the government. - When will the hypocrisy end?
Onlythemoonmanknows 1y

To be fair, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are two lead proponents of taxing the ultra wealthy. So really they're pointing their fingers at both groups.

Malixshak 1y

Politicians are siphoning more

Lookwhatumademedoo 1y

All this talk about US taxes is like Klingonian to me...

Brummettdane03 1y

# Caroline Ellison paid herself $22.5 million bonus around the time she estimated a more than $10 billion cash shortfall, lawsuit alleges

Caroline Ellison paid herself $22.5 million bonus around the time she estimated a more than $10 billion cash shortfall, lawsuit alleges
Frogiscat 1y

She's been playing victim this whole time. This squirrel is as guilty as SBF and they should both be behind bars. Such a twisted couple.

Lostaga1n 1y

Guilty as the rest of them without a doubt. Idk how they’re all not in prison

Greenwolf_12 1y

I just can't understand this . In a society where it's not that hard to go out and get laid , simps be handing out cash to chicks online hand over fist.

Lillica_Golden_Shib 1y

This is the the push I needed to start selling feet pictures for crypto, tks