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Kindly-Wolf6919 1y

# There's always that moment of doubt when you click "confirm".

There's always that moment of doubt when you click "confirm".
This_Red_Apple 1y

When you usually send a test transaction but gas is way up.

Efficient-Put9354 1y

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." -H. P. Lovecraft

Thenano100 1y

Me when I have to sign a contract and I think I'm getting scammed and will pay $20 of fees.

Mtballer09 1y

# Incase you needed more proof, inverse Cramer.

Incase you needed more proof, inverse Cramer.
Stumpgrnder 1y

The Cramer that should have pulled out was his daddy.

Irieltyron 1y

How many time this person has to prove himself, before everyone starts to believe him?

Landswipe 1y

Has anyone yet sat back and thought, maybe the answer to life, the universe and everything isn't 42, but Inverse Cramer?

Easy-Soup140 1y

# JPMorgan deletes 47 million records, cripples SEC investigations

JPMorgan deletes 47 million records, cripples SEC investigations
You_Cant_See_Me2050 1y

Very convenient, and then the SEC says that crypto has bad actors.

Vivarevo 1y

Nothing to hide. Mere 4million fine😂😂😂

Nzubemush 1y

Someone should tell SEC this is why they need to blockchain. You can't delete info from it.

Cryptbunks 1y

# You don’t have to pay taxes if you buy high and sell low

You don’t have to pay taxes if you buy high and sell low
Shostakofiev 1y

This shows up every week and it's the dumbest post ever.

Vivarevo 1y

You know most gov tell you all details and let you fix it with simple autofilled form if it has inaccuracies. But i guess usa wants people to hate taxes for totally innocent reasons

Mysterious_Massage 1y

If the gov gets to know about this Ninja technique, they will tax this also