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Lil_Nar 1y

#TSLA Silent Beast | Semi Stoplight Acceleration ‘Sound’

Matrixfan0831 1y

I want so many more on the road! Semis are disproportionately so much larger emissions emitters it’ll make one of the largest differences in the automotive market.

Chrisdh79 1y

#TSLA Tesla switches to kWh billing at Superchargers in Canada

Tesla switches to kWh billing at Superchargers in Canada
Mikehawk308 1y

Finally! I wonder how this will affect the pricing as we are now averaging 49c/kwh on the current charge per minute model

R13z 1y

Wtf, that was a ridiculous way to bill to begin with. Like charging for the amount of minutes you are standing next to your car refuelling at a gas station, lol.

J_Pelletier 1y

#TSLA Tesla filed paperwork with the Chinese government for approval of the redesigned Highland Model 3 and the Model Y !

Tesla filed paperwork with the Chinese government for approval of the redesigned Highland Model 3 and the Model Y !
Snowace56 1y

Wait is the y getting a refresh too?

Chrisdh79 1y

#TSLA Tesla Will Lower Climate Fan Speed While on a Call, Add Ability To Pause PWS and Reposition Backup Camera

Tesla Will Lower Climate Fan Speed While on a Call, Add Ability To Pause PWS and Reposition Backup Camera
__Jocky__ 1y

Can I now turn off the passenger fan when someone is in the passenger seat?

110110 1y

#TSLA Tesla proposes $100 million electric semi truck charging network from California to Texas

Tesla proposes $100 million electric semi truck charging network from California to Texas
Iaminthebasement 1y

Why cannot MCS simply be a thing and therefor no variation is needed? If we're starting with a clean slate, let's do it standardized. Why the need to kneecap large trucks to using a compatible plug with V1-4 superchargers? MCS is in theory capable of +3MW charge rate.

Watchful1 1y

I'm sure these things are expensive, but even still, 9 stations with 12 chargers each seems like it shouldn't be $100 million. That's like, a million dollars per charger.

Infinite_Lawyer1282 1y

2023 and people still can't get a proper 10 seconds video.

Jvorndra 1y

Anyone else feel like these aren’t orders? Nobody has leaked configurable options or prices or really anything. I’d expect that to have come out if people are getting orders ready.