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Australia Investing News



Bullsrfukt 1y

Brace for 8% mortgage rates to drag the US housing market into a 1980s-style recession, Wells Fargo warns

Brace for 8% mortgage rates to drag the US housing market into a 1980s-style recession, Wells Fargo warns
Lordbaikaloli 1y

Ha yes, the people locked in 30 years mortgage at the lowest rates in history will all lose their homes in the coming years...right.

Stock_Ad_5279 1y

There is literally a police car with 2 policemen sitting next to the fountain to avoid these situations 24/7 365 days per year

The_Boregonian 1y

I've seen this movie, you are going to need mini coopers and marky mark.

Broken-Broker 1y

The city hall already do this

Seviay 1y

You mean a company can go out of business?? 😂

Attorneyatslaw 1y

The BBB bankruptcy plan is effective and all shares were cancelled as of 9/29. You don’t have shares in your account because they do not legally exist anymore.

Saintedeus 1y

Buy Overstock.com (OSTK) so you can continue losing money on towels and sheets.