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Australia Investing News



Mrfinances 1y

Fist time posting here, did I do this whole “trading” thing right?

Fist time posting here, did I do this whole “trading” thing right?
Doncorletony 1y

No. You have to keep doing it until you lose everything youve gained

Carverofdeath 1y

Wait, you made money? You don't belong here.

Gwbushcommando 1y

Why is AMC still gaining if the arbitrage is confirmed? It should be meeting the price of APE correct?

Why is AMC still gaining if the arbitrage is confirmed? It should be meeting the price of APE correct?
_Mattske 1y

It's incredible to see where people still pretend there are market fundamentals compared to where people act like it's all a made up casino game.

Visualmod 1y

I am not sure what you are asking me.

Cletus_ 1y

Old baldy Solomon will have to pick up some more DJ gigs on the weekend to supplement.

Bertansink 1y

Options speculation was the reason the market got run up in the first place, not sure why they are surprised when it also drives it down.

Visualmod 1y

@DesmondMilesDant Zero-day options are for idiots who don't know how to trade.

Joe4942 1y

China Evergrande files for chapter 15 bankruptcy in US - court filing

China Evergrande files for chapter 15 bankruptcy in US - court filing
Goldfishpaws 1y

Country Garden with 4x the projects is downgraded to junk status after bond defaults - it's not looking good for Chinese real estate

Alien8w8 1y

Looks like ghost cities are finally coming home to roost. *edit* corrected citys to cities.

Entertainmentill2135 1y

If OP zoomed out further you’d see Jpowws money printer cocked and loaded ready to ease his quantity all over the 🌈🐻

Acery88 1y

Tomorrow is sideways because I’ll open with a call credit spread to make money on a drop again. Or better yet, it will go up